Welcome to IEEEEI, the IEEE Eastern Idaho Section!

IEEEEI is a vibrant community that brings together those who share a common passion for advancing technology and shaping the future. We are delighted to extend a warm welcome to members, professionals, researchers, students, industry leaders, and enthusiasts in the field of electrical and electronics engineering. Our diverse membership reflects the rich tapestry of expertise and experience in electrical engineering, computer science, telecommunications, and related disciplines, and as an integral part of the global IEEE community, we are dedicated to fostering innovation, collaboration, and professional growth in this dynamic and ever-evolving field of technology.

Mission: Our mission is to promote and facilitate knowledge sharing, networking, and professional development within the local engineering community. Through a variety of events, conferences, workshops, and collaborative initiatives, we strive to create an environment that encourages learning, innovation, and the exchange of ideas.

What We Offer:

  • Technical Events: Engage in cutting-edge discussions, presentations, and workshops on the latest advancements in technology.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals, experts, and peers in your field.
  • Professional Development: Stay abreast of industry trends, enhance your skills, and explore career opportunities through our diverse programs.
  • Student Involvement: Support and inspire the next generation of engineers through mentorship programs, scholarships, and student-focused events.

Get Involved: We encourage all members to actively participate in the Eastern Idaho Section’s activities. Whether you are a seasoned professional, a recent graduate, or a student aspiring to enter the field, your involvement contributes to the success and vibrancy of our community.

Stay Connected: Connect with us on our social media platforms, attend our events, and subscribe to our newsletters to stay informed about upcoming activities, opportunities, and the latest developments in the world of electrical and electronics engineering.

Thank you for being a part of the IEEE Eastern Idaho Section. Together, let’s build a thriving community that fosters innovation, collaboration, and excellence in technology!